آزمون های کارشناسی ارشد حقوق متون حقوق به زبان انگلیسی سال 1399

آزمون های کارشناسی ارشد حقوق متون حقوق به زبان انگلیسی سال 1399

ویکی کیو





این بسته توضیحاتی ندارد.

  • ارائه دهندهویکی کیو
  • تاریخ انتشار۱۴۰۲/۱۰/۱۱
  • تعداد تست30
  • قیمت۱۲٬۰۰۰ تومان
  • دانلود و نمایش تست هافقط در محیط ویکی کیو
پیش نمایش
1 - What is the passage mainly concerned with?
پیوست سوال

Common law contract lawyers have always taken an interest in parallel developments in other common law jurisdictions, whether the systems started to diverge in 1783 or only in the middle of the twentieth century. The last few years have seen a renaissance in the interest which the contract lawyers of the civil law and common law families have taken in cach other`s systems. This interest has taken two practical forms. In 1980, the International Institute for the Uniſication of Private Law (Unidroit) set up a working group to prepare a set of principles for international, commercial contracts. The working group reported in 1994 and its report was accepted by the Governing Council of Unidroit. A second working group, with some changes in membership, produced an enlarged edition which was approved by the Governing Council in 2004. A third working group, again with some changes in membership completed its work in and this has recently been approved by the Governing Council. The second and third editions have not significantly changet what was agreed in the firest edition but has widencd the scope of the principles by dealing with further topics. At the same time another group (the Lando Commission) were at work preparing Principles of European Contract Law. There were both important differences and striking similarities between the two projccts.

2 - What have we witnessed in the last few years?
3 - The word "its” in line 11 refers to ….............. .
4 - Which of the following statements is true?
5 - The word "striking" in the last sentence is similar in meaning to ….............. .
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